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Tug of War: Crises, Cost & Controversies with Aarav Khanna Episode 14

Tug of War: Crises, Cost & Controversies with Aarav Khanna

· 12:53

The NHS is the UK's National Health Service, established in 1948, and in this episode, we talk about issues NHS faces: low pay, inadequate resources, and staff strikes. Nurses feel burnt out and unsupported, with a lack of resources to provide adequate care and while the rest of medical staff demand better compensation for their long hours and heavy workloads, the government faces challenges in increasing NHS funding without raising taxes or worsening inflation.

However, finding a compromise is essential to address issues like long waiting times and ensure the efficiency of the healthcare system. This episode teaches us how to get Info from reliable sources and how to see things from different perspectives when making decisions on everything in life. 

▶️ The NHS was started in 1948: it had many ups and downs. 0:42
📈 In 2022 the NHS had 1.6 million patients per day, and it employed 1.5 million people. 2:29
👩‍⚕️ There have been many strikes in the UK, related to the NHS: the shortage of medical staff. 3:15
👉 Increase of income taxes: the easiest way for the government to increase spending on the NHS. 6:25
🤔 What the prime minister had to say on government spending. 8:11
🎯 Aarav's opinion on the solutions regarding NHS funding. 10:02

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